The evolution of All That Hullabaloo!

This is the evolution of all that hullabaloo, a song meant to make fun of the complexity police.

This is also a "red" song.

Prome! ยท All That Hullabaloo
  • "Seven four dist bass" At the beggining, all i knew was that this was going to sound like a scott pilgrim song, that it was gonna be punk..ish and that it was going to be in 7/4. Or 7/8. Whatever.

  • "Too Much" I added three distorted guitars and they sounded REALLY nice. I enjoyed the sound a lot, and i think it's funny that i thought it might be too much, considering it got louder and trashier.

  • "FINAL" I was messing around with this little organ sounding thing to come up with some really complicated solo, with the help of a friend, this was the file where i'd said "alright, enough, i'm not changing it anymore so u better work with this" (he didn't)

  • "For the CARRRR" I'd just bought a car and i'd listen to my songs while driving to work. I would use it as a way of listening to the mistakes i'd made and what could be improved. All i had was a really crappy bluetooth speaker, but it still helped me find issues with the song.

  • "I Think Its Solid Actually, I Could Make Some Changes Here and There But-" This is me talking to myself. I was happy-ish with what i'd made, but that never lasts long.

  • " (in A Sad Voice) For The Car..... " Me? Getting depressed while working on a song because of things not sounding like i want them to? Nahhhh...

  • "ALL THAT HULLABALOO Beta" Very close to what the final version sounded like.