The evolution of 80's Mystery!

This is the evolution of 80's mystery, a song that started out as nothing more but a challenge for myself, to make something entirely digital, with no "acoustic" instruments


  • "80's" (the first one)
  • "Interesting"
  • "80's mystery" It was probably around this time that i realized that this thing sounded mysterious, and 80's-like.
  • "80's memestery"
  • "80's mistery 2"
  • "80's mistery 3"
  • "solo but its kinda ass tho"
  • "80's mystery with solo"
  • "70% instrumental done"
  • "is this harmony or am i a fucking dumbass"
  • "will i ever learn how to sing oh god oh please" This is extremely embarrassing but it's a part of my history so i might as well put it here.
  • "i hate myself" Still really bad.
  • "we'll leave a macaque behind" Eh...
  • "80s bridge i guess"
  • "80s mystery ALPHA" This one has a weird like... sound to it, like the mastering is strange, and unlike the stuff i did after it. It doesn't sound good but i think it's at least interesting
  • "80s mystery BETA2" The most recent, and decent